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Love With Boundaries Publishes New Article on Recovery Month and Upcoming Recovery Day Event

Love With Boundaries Publishes New Article on Recovery Month and Upcoming Recovery Day Event

Love With Boundaries Publishes New Article on Recovery Month and Upcoming Recovery Day Event. Every September, Recovery Month offers us a poignant reminder of the challenges, triumphs, and ongoing journey of individuals and families navigating the path of addiction recovery. It’s a time to reflect on the impact of substance use disorders, celebrate the strength of those who have chosen the path of recovery, and acknowledge the vital support of families and communities in this journey. Candace Plattor’s story, from a harrowing 15-year battle with opioid addiction to over 37 years of sobriety and a very successful career as an Addictions Therapist, embodies the essence of Recovery Month. Her experience sheds light on the profound difference that informed and compassionate support can make in the lives of those fighting to reclaim their lives from addiction.

One of the most crucial lessons from Candace’s personal journey is understanding the difference between “Helping” and “Enabling”. Families often find themselves at a crossroads, wanting to support their addicted loved ones but sometimes continuing to enable even when they know they’re doing it – thus contributing to the continuation of the addiction. Helping involves actions that encourage recovery and self-sufficiency, such as supporting a loved one’s treatment plan, attending family therapy sessions, and setting healthy boundaries. On the other hand, enabling behaviors, though well-intentioned, occur when a family member does for the addict what they can – and should – be doing for themselves. This allows the addiction to continue without consequence and can include making excuses for the addicted person’s behavior, covering up their mistakes, or providing financial support that is used to sustain their addiction.

Read more in Love With Boundaries latest article called “The Transformative Power of Recovery Month: Understanding, Helping, and Celebrating,” where Candace shares suggestions for families walking the fine line between helping and enabling here:


Love With Boundaries invites families in need to claim a FREE 30-minute Consultation with one of their therapists.

“As we observe Recovery Month, let’s commit to differentiate between “Helping” and “Enabling” – fostering environments that support recovery and celebrate every step taken on the path to sobriety.” – Candace Plattor, M.A., R.C.C.

Recovery month ends with International Recovery Day on September 30. This day is designated to celebrate recovery globally, and thousands of events, walks and rallies happen to honor those who in recovery. Love With Boundaries is also hosting an online event called Ask Candace LIVE! at 1pm PT on September 30, and invites everyone to join in on the conversation. Registration is available here: https://bit.ly/askcandacelivesep2024

About Love With Boundaries

Love With Boundaries offers counselling to help families and the addicts they love come out of the pain and devastation of addiction—forever. Our therapists counsel families about how to love with clear and respectful boundaries, and they provide insights and techniques to help families stop enabling the addicts they love so that they can all make the choice to recover from addiction.

Christine Zitscher, Administrative Assistant
Love With Boundaries
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